1. Yui's Special Sprouted Brown Rice
Brown rice (soaked overnight)
Azuki beans (soaked overnight)
Mixed grains (millet, black rice, red rice)
Agar - a few pinches
Nigari - 1 capful or 2 teaspoons
Charcoal - 1 or 2 bars
Rinse the brown rice and let it sprout overnight.
Drain and rinse the brown rice again.
In a pressure cooker, add brown rice, azuki beans, mixed grains, nigari, agar, and a bar or two of charcoal.
Cook without pressure, offsetting the lid slightly.
Steam starts coming out slowly; lock the lid and turn off the heat.
Let it sit for 2 hours and it is done.
2. Mozuku Vinegar Salad
Mozuku seaweed - 1 pack
Cucumbers (or tomatoes) - desired amount
Ginger - desired amount
Dashi (soup stock) - 20 grams
Vinegar - 20 grams
Soy sauce - 20 grams
Honey - 20 grams
Soak cucumbers in salt, squeeze, and shred them.
Wash, peel, and chop ginger.
In a bowl with mozuku seaweed, add cucumbers, ginger, and a mixture of dashi, vinegar, soy sauce, and honey.
Mix well and serve.
3. Purple Sweet Potato Salad
Okinawan purple sweet potatoes (with skin)
Almonds (soaked overnight) - to taste
Mayonnaise (or yogurt) - 3 or 4 tablespoons
Salt (optional)
Pepper (optional)
Cut, salt, and steam the purple sweet potatoes for 15-20 minutes.
Mix steamed sweet potatoes with soaked almonds.
Add mayonnaise (or yogurt) to taste.
Season with salt and pepper if desired.